Feb 03, 2019
Here is how to specify Node and Chrome flags as you would do when working in Chrome or NodeJS. appendSwitch API Electron allows you to configure the runtime environment as well as V8 specific flags...
Read MoreSep 24, 2018
While porting a little project from JavaScript to TypeScript I scratched my head on a lot of small problems. I wrote this article so that you don’t scratch yours ;) Prerequisite An existing JavaScript project...
Read MoreSep 14, 2018
When it comes to manipulating sound, the webaudio API is really nice and allows any web developer to do almost any audio work. The legacy ScriptProcessorNode API It basically works using audio nodes that are...
Read MoreDec 29, 2017
There was a time when Chrome didn’t exist and IE was ruling the web world. Back in this day, it was common for browsers to take liberty and implement some shortcuts. For example, IE5 automatically...
Read MoreNov 07, 2016
Webpack is a nice tool but the default configuration can be very slow at generating builds, even for small projects. Fortunately it takes only a few modifications to drastically reduce build times. I started switching...
Read MoreMay 22, 2015
If you just started a new JavaScript project with Jasmine, you likely started using Jasmine 2. But if you’re working on an existing project, it’s highly possible you’re using Jasmine 1.3 and maybe want, like...
Read MoreFeb 27, 2015
I was working on a small project that sets up a proxy using grunt, and then starts a node server. Problem is that if the proxy wasn’t up and running, grunt would still start the...
Read MoreFeb 21, 2014
Lots of things are happening in the JavaScript world: it’s moving so fast it’s difficult to keep up with it! Angular-JS is an open-source MVC framework created by Miško Hevery and Adam Abrons in 2009...
Read MoreJun 06, 2012
While playing with various mobile (touch-enabled) OS I noticed that all were using the very same widget for setting time. Here is the one used in iOS: … and the one used in the latest...
Read MoreMay 24, 2012
Here is a little slideshow I did to see what could be done with the 500px API. I wanted to see how CSS 3 could be used to minimize server load so not a single...
Read MoreJun 06, 2010
Back in 2010, Apple released a demo page supposedly demonstrating the power of HTML 5. The demo was restricted to webkit/safari although it did not use any webkit-specifics nor any HTML 5. Using the very...
Read MoreJan 21, 2010
JavaScript: a single-threaded language with many asynchronous calls JavaScript is a single-threaded language: it means that at a given time, only one script is being executed but a lot of things are asynchronous: you call...
Read MoreFeb 18, 2015
I know I’m late, but I have finally been toying with the new CSS 3 display modes like flex and I’m already running into trouble. It seems there are a lot of inconsistencies across browsers...
Read MoreJun 06, 2012
While playing with various mobile (touch-enabled) OS I noticed that all were using the very same widget for setting time. Here is the one used in iOS: … and the one used in the latest...
Read MoreMay 24, 2012
Today’s browsers have very fast rendering engines: the above image is made of 26.000 different box-shadow. No canvas, no embeded image. And this is rendered instantly on today’s computers and take only a few seconds...
Read MoreMay 24, 2012
While adding MS CSS prefixes to 500 photos slideshow, I noticed something was making the transitions blink. With some more tests I found out this was related to CSS transtions. It seems IE 10 (consumer...
Read MoreMay 24, 2012
Here is a little slideshow I did to see what could be done with the 500px API. I wanted to see how CSS 3 could be used to minimize server load so not a single...
Read MoreSep 19, 2014
While developing my own tile/sprite drawing engine, I stumble upon several problems related to the Canvas element: I thought it would be a good idea to share my experiences. Canvas clearing Since not all canvas...
Read MoreMay 24, 2012
Here is a little slideshow I did to see what could be done with the 500px API. I wanted to see how CSS 3 could be used to minimize server load so not a single...
Read MoreFeb 06, 2014
With the latest iteration of Android, Google refined some little details. No big changes, but a lot of new small modifications that matter. In a previous experiment I wondered how could time widgets be improved....
Read MoreMay 15, 2014
Recently, I have been playing with Android development. Having already done some very basic Java development a long time ago, I was surprised how fast I came with my very first application. Development tools are...
Read MoreFeb 06, 2014
With the latest iteration of Android, Google refined some little details. No big changes, but a lot of new small modifications that matter. In a previous experiment I wondered how could time widgets be improved....
Read MoreApr 13, 2018
JavaScript is asynchronous but we sometimes forget that it’s single threaded. This can be a problem when dealing with signals. Today I stumbled a problem while developping cat-hex, a small command line tool for Node.js....
Read MoreFeb 27, 2015
I was working on a small project that sets up a proxy using grunt, and then starts a node server. Problem is that if the proxy wasn’t up and running, grunt would still start the...
Read MoreJun 16, 2014
It’s real easy to come with having your site running with Node.js: simply start it with “node server.js” and here you go. But what if you wanted to take advantage of the multiple cores of...
Read MoreMar 31, 2015
Today I could not launch a node server: the port my app was targeted was already in use. Fortunately Unix comes with very handy command line tools when it comes to finding which processes are...
Read MoreJan 24, 2017
I was working on an HTML 5 application that loads & plays MP4 files and noticed that some older version of Firefox simply refuse to load media files, although their codec is supposed to be...
Read MoreSep 24, 2018
While porting a little project from JavaScript to TypeScript I scratched my head on a lot of small problems. I wrote this article so that you don’t scratch yours ;) Prerequisite An existing JavaScript project...
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